The Welfare Volunteer Project
The Klintiendharm Welfare Volunteer
Project's mission is to provide quality welfare services to the needy,
and to develop its team members towards building a caring and sharing
The members of the welfare group:-
Spend time talking to senior
Provide some essential services to needy senior
citizens (e.g. free haircuts),
Provide supporting services to other Klintiendharm
Serve as a platform for members to bring caring
and sharing into practice.
All activities are based on Buddhist morals and
Assistance in the English Fun Camp (Summer 2003) that
was held around April 2003. This will be a 3 days and
2 nights English Camp with activities aimed at encouraging closer
relationship between parents and growing children.
Assistance in the Klintiendharm Buddhist Studies for Children.
Activities are held every Saturdays and Sunday from 09.00 - 11.00 a.m.
The Saturday classes are for children ages 7 to 10 and the Sunday classes for
children ages 11 to 18. Instructions are in English and Thai.
Assistance in fund raising for the International
Buddhist College Project.
Visits to the Hatyai Old Folks Home every month.
Activities there include:-
Conversation with senior citizens.
Entertaining them with songs, stories, games and
other activities.
Provide personal service to the needy.
Planned visiting dates are, 19.1.03, 16.2.03,
16.3.03, 20.4.03, 18.5.03, 15.06.03, 20.7.03,
17.8.03, 21.9.03, 19.10.03, 16.11.03, 21.12.03
Organise a monthly get together for our students and voluteers from 10.00 a.m. to 12.30
p.m. using the dates as the Old Folks Home activity.
Organise Dhamma Talks for the staff and Public..

hair cutting and nail trimming at the Home on the 28.04.2002
Objectives for visits to old folks
To render personal quality service and care to
the elderly.
To encourage and assist the elderly to find
spiritual solaces.
To practice the Buddhist spirit of benevolence,
compassion, joy over others' welfare, and
equanimity. |
Proposed Dates
- 19.01.03
- 16.02.03
- 16.03.03
- 20.04.03
- 18.05.03
- 15.06.03
- 20.07.03
- 17.08.03
- 21.09.03
- 19.10.03
- 16.11.03
- 21.12.03.
Visits to the Hatyai Old Folks Home - Proposed
- 10.00 - Meet at Klintiendharm
- 11.00 - Fellowship activities
- 11.00 - Vegetarian Lunch
- 11.30 - Birthday Party for students and volunteers
- 12.30 - Leave Klintiendharm for Old Folks Home
- 12.45 - Arrive at Old Folks Home; meet other team members who travel
- 13.00 - Greet old folks and prepare for and start personal care
activities, sharing and caring activities,
- 14.30 - or approx. - When personal care activities, sharing and
caring activities are completed begin the Birthday/Festival celebration
and/or recreation and entertainment activities.
- 15.30 - Prepare for departure, till we meet again
- 16.00 - Leave Old Folks Home
Old Folks Home -
Team Activities and Interest Area
1) Personal Care Team · Hair washing
and cutting · Shaving of beard, moustache · Trimming of finger and
toe nails · Tidy bed linens and surrounding areas · Assist in
bathing · Simple wound care
2) Sharing and Caring Team · Try to
establish communication · Listen and respond to what they have to
say · Speak in public and share feelings and observations ·
Encourage the elderly in good daily living · Assist the elderly
according to their daily needs · Encourage the elderly to cultivate
the Buddha's Dharma
3) Celebrations Team · Birthday
celebration · Festival celebration, if any · Simple gifts and
cards · Suitable snacks, fruits, cates · Singing, music e.g.
guitar, harmonica, stories, plays · Sharing of experiences and
4) Resource Team · Contacting members
of the group · Arrange transportation · Getting a birthday cake,
paper plates, cups and serviettes · Interpretor services ·
Cassette recorder with battery · Camera with
Donations towards the
Klintiendharm Projects are welcome.
The Klintiendharm Web
Team, Klintiendharm (Than Hsiang) Foundation, 78,80 Soi
Central Park, Kanchanavanich Road, Hatyai, Songkhla 90110,
Hsiang of Penang
No: 78 - 80, Soi Central Park,
Kanchanavanich Road, Hatyai,
Songkla 90110, THAILAND
For more info, call: (074)
445-476 or e-mail:
Page design and construction: Klintiendharm Staff & Members,
e-mail comments about this page to
©2001 The Klinthendharm Foundation of Thailand, all rights reserved |