Aham avero homi
abyapajjho homi
anigho homi
sukhi-attanam pariharami
Mama matapitu
acariya ca natimitta ca
sabrahma-carino ca
avera hontu
abyapajjha hontu
anigha hontu
sukhi-attanam pariharantu
Imasmim arame sabbe yogina
avera hontu
abyapajjha hontu
anigha hontu
sukhi-attanam pariharantu
Imasmim arame sabbe bhikkhu
samanera ca
upasaka-upasikayo ca
avera hontu
abyapajjha hontu
anigha hontu
sukhi-attanam pariharantu
Amhakam catupaccaya-dayaka
avera hontu
abyapajjha hontu
anigha hontu
sukhi-attanam pariharantu
Amhakam arakkha devata
imasmim vihare
imasmim avase
imasmim arame
arakkha devata
avera hontu
abyapajjha hontu
anigha hontu
sukhi-attanam pariharantu
Sabbe satta
sabbe pana
sabbe bhuta
sabbe puggala
sabbe attabhava-pariyapanna
sabba itthiyo
sabbe purisa
sabbe ariya
sabbe anariya
sabbe deva
sabbe manussa
sabbe vinipatika
avera hontu
abyapajjha hontu
anigha hontu
sukhi-attanam pariharantu
Dukkha mucantu
Yatha-laddha-sampattito mavigacchantu
Puratthimaya disaya
pacchimaya disaya
uttaraya disaya
dakkhinaya disaya
puratthimaya anudisaya
pacchimaya anudisaya
uttaraya anudisaya
dakkhinaya anudisaya
hetthimaya disaya
uparimaya disaya
sabbe satta
sabbe pana
sabbe bhuta
sabbe puggala
sabbe attabhava-pariyapanna
sabba itthiyo
sabbe purisa
sabbe ariya
sabbe anariya
sabbe deva
sabbe manussa
sabbe vinipatika
avera hontu
abyapajjha hontu
anigha hontu
sukhi-attanam pariharantu
Dukkha muccantu
Yatha-laddha-sampattito mavigacchantu
Uddham yava bhavagga ca
adho yava aviccito
samanta cakkavalesu
ye satta pathavicara
abyapajjha nivera ca
nidukha ca nupaddava
Uddham yava bhavagga ca
adho yava aviccito
samanta cakkavalesu
ye satta udakecara
abyapajjha nivera ca
nidukha ca nupaddava
Uddham yava bhavagga ca
adho yava aviccito
samanta cakkavalesu
ye satta akasecara
abyapajjha nivera ca
nidukha ca nupaddava
May I be free
from enmity and danger
May I be free from mental suffering
May I be free from physical suffering
May I take care of myself happily
May my parents
teachers, relatives and friends
fellow Dhammafarers
be free from enimity and danger
be free from mental suffering
be free from physical suffering
May they take care of thenselves happily
May all yogis in this compound
be free from enmity and danger
be free from mental suffering
be free from physical suffering
May they take care of themselves happily
May all monks in this compound
novice monks
laymen and laywomen disciples
be free from enmity and danger
be free from mental suffering
be free from physical suffering
May they take care of themselves happily
May our donors of the four supports
be free from enmity and danger
be free from mental suffering
be free from physical suffering
May they take care of themselves happily
May our guardian devas
in this monastery
in this dwelling
in this compound
may the guardian devas
be free from enmity and danger
be free from mental suffering
be free from physical suffering
May they take care of themselves happily
May all beings
all breathing things
all creatures
all individuals
all personalities
may all females
all males
all noble one
all worldlings
all deities
all humans
all those in the four woeful planes
be free from enmity and danger
be free from mental suffering
be free from physical suffering
may they take care of themselves happily
May all beings be free from suffering
May whatever they have gained not be lost
All beings are owners of their kamma
In the eastern direction
in the western direction
in the northern direction
in the southern direction
in the southeast direction
in the northwest direction
in the northeast direction
in the southwest direction
in the direction below
in the direction above
may all beings
all breathing things
all creatures
all individuals
all personalities
may all females
all males
all noble one
all worldlings
all deities
all humans
all those in the four woeful planes
be free from enmity and danger
be free from mental suffering
be free from physical suffering
may they take care of themselves happily
May all beings be free from suffering
May whatever they have gained not be lost
All beings are owners of their kamma
As far as the highest plane of existence
to as far down as the lowest plane
in the entire universe
whatever beings that move on earth
may they be free from mental suffering & enmity
and from physical suffering and danger
As far as the highest plane of existence
to as far down as the lowest plane
in the entire universe
whatever beings that move on water
may they be free from mental suffering & enmity
and from physical suffering and danger
As far as the highest plane of existence
to as far down as the lowest plane
in the entire universe
whatever beings that move in air
may they be free from mental suffering & enmity
and from physical suffering and danger
Early in the morning
We our voices raise
To the gentle Teacher
Hymns of joy and praise
Let Thy Holy temple
Now with joy resound
Glory to Lord Buddha
Who Nirvana found
Here each child shall offer
Heart's devotion true
Promising forever
Righteous deeds to do
Here before His image
Blossoms rare we place
Emblems true of beauty
Purity and grace
May our deeds like flowers
Sweetest perfume give
Our religion preaching
By the lives we live
How sweetly blooms the cherry trees,
Beneath the April sky!
But soon, too soon, their brightness wanes,
For they must fade and die;
And all their petals bright.
Soon on the ground we find.
For when the world doth sleep,
There comes the midnight wind.
So is the heart that seeks for peace,
Within this world of strife,
For many are man's woes below,
In this, our mortal life;
And when all seems delight;
And hours of bliss we find;
Through our frail trees of life,
There comes the midnight wind.
It's true that mortal life is sad,
And quickly passes by;
But still abides that ancient gleam,
Of truth that cannot die.
For when self's flower is dead,
Its petals blown away,
We'll see the glorious light,
Of truth's eternal day.
From the tape The Sunrise Come
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Hymns that you have or know. Send your lyrics or hymns in mid, wav, mp3 or ra format to:-
Ooi Chooi Seng P.P.N.,
259, Jalan 17/8,
46400 Petaling Jaya, MALAYSIA
February 2002
